FHM Shipping Info
All of the things we sell have "shipping units" assigned to them.
100 shipping units = about 1 pound, once packaged for shipping.
If you assemble the order online using our shopping cart system, your shipping cost will be determined automatically as follows:
The US Post Office has raised rates again
Therefore it will be impossible to have the shipping charges
calculated accurately by our website when placing an order.
We have always (and will continue to do so) charged close to or
actual shipping cost (no handling charges).
Shipping costs on all orders will be adjusted before charges.
FHM Shipping Chart - US packages
1-99 shipping units - $7.50 Priority Mail
99-200 shipping units - $7.50? Priority Mail, etc.
Above 3000 shipping units, you will be charged shipping at cost, which can be quoted directly.
Priority Mail Flat Rate boxes are available for larger orders
The goal of FHM is to provide hit music in the least
expensive manner. At this time, that
means hit 45s at prices that can't be beat, and other formats
where 45s are not available.
Regardless of your buying needs, personal or business, FHM can
FHM guarantees your satisfaction, or your money will be
refunded upon the return of your
original purchase. You can buy from FHM at no risk; we are
confident of your satisfaction.
The Listings
The full FHM listings are available here, at
the FHM internet site. You can view
listings for all the current 45s, oldie 45s, imports
and other items like LPs and CD singles. This site is kept up to date,
and represents an accurate list of what we supply you.
Please note exactly what is listed when ordering, so you get
exactly what you expect. (i.e., if the song you want is on a US
45 or an import 45) Using the on-line shopping cart system makes this automatic.
Fast Hits Music sells mostly newly pressed 45s, but also has many
excellent used records. It is important when viewing the listings to note the grade
of the record, as this will affect the price and quality of the record.
Our grading system:
- NM - Near Mint
These are new records, shiny, with no significant defects.(as good as vinyl gets)
- VG - Very Good
These still have that shine, but also have visible glitches that shouldn't affect the play too much.
- G - Good
The shine has begun to wane from these records, visible scratches, and there is noticeable noise. Should do great in a jukebox.
- F - Fair
A Fair record has little or no shine, and a healthy degree of scratches & scuffing. Should play without skipping, but with noticible background noise.
- P - Poor
Poor records might fill gaps in a collection until a better copy comes along, or might work in a jukebox if you're not picky about the sound.
You can use the search page, condition field, to view only records above a certain grade.
Can be done any one of five ways -
- 1. By our internet site - Click on the shopping cart to add
an item to your cart, then go to the shopping cart to check out.
Ordering couldn' be easier! Your total, including shipping, is calculated
for you, and you'll get a confirmation of the items you've ordered.
If you have ordered before, you won't have to submit sensitive data
over the internet, as this is kept on file.
- 2. By phone - call in your order during business hours
603-279-0450. If your call is unable to be taken, leave us a message,
or use one of the other methods of contacting us.
- 3. By mail - you can also mail in your order. If you are
using a money order or check, it is a
good idea to list a few alternates just in case. Our address
is: FHM - P O Box 663,
Meredith NH 03253 USA.
- 4. By Email - our Email address is
may wish to forward your credit
card info by some other means (phone or fax) for security reasons
when ordering by Email. Once
your credit card is on file, you will not need to submit it
each time.
You can directly print (File, Print on your menu bar) the FHM order
form, and then submit your order in any
of the above ways.
USA Payment may be made by:
Credit Card (we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover)
When selecting "Credit Card" as the payment method, please enter the card details in the appropriate boxes
PayPal (address:
US $ Cash
A credit card allows for immediate shipping.
We at Fast Hits Music attempt to live up to our name,
with most packages leaving within 1 working day.
The possible things that will slow this down are:
1. An extensive want list (these are encouraged, but do take time
to look over) or
2. Ordering from the "upcoming" lists of future releases. Your order will be
held until it is filled to a reasonable extent.
3. Records not in stock that we have to order from our Distributors.
Our shipping is done at cost - we don't make
any profit on shipping fees. Please include the total cost, with shipping,
when comparing FHM to the competition.
Your Package
Will contain an invoice.
Any records that could not be supplied will be marked on your
order sheet with a "N/A" or a
"B/O". N/A means "not available"and means that we do not expect
to see any soon. B/O stands
for "Back ordered", and means that more should be back in stock
soon. Please note that F.H.M.
does NOT send second "surprise" packages of items marked B/O in a
prior shipment. If we could not get it to you right away, we
leave you with the option
of getting that item elsewhere, or
ordering it in your next order. This is best for everybody, especially you.
Please remember that with B/O items, F.H.M. will not keep
track of a particular item
connected with your name. We will try to re-stock the item, and
will try to get enough to cover
everyone who wanted that item, but getting a B/O marking on an
item does not mean it will then
be reserved under your name once it does arrive. Again, this
offers maximum flexibility, since it
allows you to buy the item elsewhere if need be. If you DO get an
item marked "B/O", and
desperately need it, just give us a call to see if that item has
been re-stocked. If it has, you can
then have the item reserved until you are ready to order.
Back Orders
FHM does not "back order" in the traditional sense, meaning
that we do not send second, later
shipments of items not supplied in the first batch. This way, you
do not get any surprise packages.
If an item is marked "B/O" on your order, it simply means that we
should be able to supply it the
next time you order, and that we were just out on that day. You
are not committed to buying that
record. If you pick it up elsewhere, that's OK. If not, just
re-list it on your next order, and we
should have it back in.
One of the coolest things we can do is "dink" any 45 with a
small center hole. This means that
the center can be popped out to make the 45s usable in a jukebox.
If you buy any FHM 45s and
want this done, please mention it EACH TIME you order. This will
ensure your imports come
"ready to wear" for jukebox play. There is NO CHARGE for this service
when you buy the record from FHM.
If you want records dinked that you already own,
then the charge is 50ยข per record, plus any postage costs.
Please note that when dinking a record that is not ours, it
is impossible to extend the FHM
guarantee to that record.
Picture discs work fine
(in fact have the lowest chance of cracking), but no "flexi's"
Jukebox Title Strips
If you have a jukebox, and need title strips for for your
records, its very simple to get them.
First, be sure to mark on your order that you want the strips.
You'll have to do this on each order
to insure that you get them, but that's not too difficult.
Second, be aware of the charges - Strips are a mere $.15
each. Title strips can also be made for records you already own (not bought at FHM) - Just submit a list of what records you need strips for. They are $.15 each.
If, after all this, you have any questions, please just call
us or send an email, and an answer will be given. The
number is 603-279-0450. We'll be glad to assist you however we